Category: Archived lectures
All IQS events are postponed to Autumn 2021
Due to the Covide 19 pandemic, all our events are postponed to autumn 2021. We thank you for your understanding. Your IQS team
Current situation
Due to the current situation, the buildings of the University of Zurich are still closed and the teaching will be suspended until 30 May 2020. As a result, we will also have to postpone our LGBTIQ research night on May 19, 2020. We are (still) confident that we will be able to hold the LGBTIQ…
[Postponed] Talents Wanted for the LGBTIQ – Research Night 2020
Tuesday, 19 May 2020, 7pmUniversität ZürichRämistrasse 59Room: RAA G-15 At the LGBTIQ – Research Night students and scientists from the field of LGBTIQ present their current projects and research work. We hope it is to motivate the audience and the researchers to get together and exchange. We are currently looking for students and scientists who are willing to…
IQS Lecture: In the Closet of the Vatican: Power, Homosexuality, Hypocrisy
Tuesday, 12th March 2019, 7pm, Universität Zürich, Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zürich Room: KOL-F-118 (map) Dr. Frédéric MartelPh.D. in social sciencesSenior researcher at ZHDK Frédéric Martel is a leading French sociologist, writer and researcher. In this IQS-Lecture he will present his new book: In the Closet of the Vatican: Power, Homosexuality, Hypocrisy! Frédéric Martel’s book is…
LGBTIQ Research Nigth 2019
LGBTIQ – Research Night 2019 Tuesday, 14 May 2019, 7pm University of Zurich,Rämistrasse 59Room: RAA G-15 Join us for an exciting evening and decide who will win the LGBTIQ Research Award 2019! 9 young, dynamic speakers present their current scientific LGBTI project and research work in 10 minutes. The questions and discussions following the presentations will foster interesting and entertaining…
IQS Lecture: Homophobia in the (monotheistic) religions.
Tuesday, 22nd January 2019, 7pm, University of ZurichRoom: Kleine Aula, RAA G-01 Michael Meier, lic. theol.Religion expert at “Tages-Anzeiger” The great monotheistic religions set the heterosexual identity exclusively in writing and tradition. Why is this so? Are these religions therefore homophobic and if so, what can lead to “gay liberation” among these religions? These and…